Web Time Clocks

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Three Key Operational Areas That an Employee Time Clock System Helps

Workforce management, especially the time and attendance element, needs to be addressed in an organized and effective manner. Today’s small and medium-sized businesses use a variety of methods to accomplish this. Some companies use a mechanical Bundy clock, while others use an automated employee time clock system.

Regardless of what workforce management system is used, when it comes to employee time and attendance, employers should always be mindful of three key operational performance aspects: 1) tracking, 2) managing and 3) reporting. Let’s discuss these in a little more detail.Employee Time Clock System

1. Effectively Tracking Employee Time & Attendance

One key operational requirement of any organization should be to track employee work hours in an accurate and effective way. Manual methods, such as paper time sheets and Bundy clocks, are time consuming and ineffective. They are unable to detect and prevent time theft and wage fraud. On the other hand, wireless time clock systems from uAttend provide highly satisfactory results when it comes to the efficient and accurate recording of employee work hours. Simply stated, uAttend makes tracking employee time and attendance safe, easy, convenient, reliable and secure.

2. Effective Management of Employee Time & Attendance

Manual time and attendance fails to provide real help when it comes to managing employee time and streamlining payroll. It also fails to offer any assistance when it comes to employee scheduling and roster planning. With automated time and attendance, employers can set their accounts to send specific notifications to upper management. They can also access and retrieve employee attendance data with just a click of the mouse from anywhere in the world. In addition, with web based time clock systems, managers are always aware if an employee is absent and can easily re-assign important jobs to available employees. There are numerous other benefits of an automated employee time clock system such as scheduling employee zones to prevent unauthorized overtime, setting alerts for late/absent employees, and processing payroll information.

3. Detailed Reporting of Employee Time & Attendance

Manual systems are rarely able to provide sufficient insight into employee productivity, organizational efficiency, and payroll issues. Since an employee is physically involved in the whole manual process, it is difficult and time consuming to create detailed electronic reports. In comparison, wireless time clock systems from uAttend are capable of providing extremely detailed reports that can be exported into almost any format. Businesses enjoy comprehensive insight into employee productivity, efficiency and payroll integration thanks to uAttend’s innovative and growing reporting features.

Are Human Errors in Payroll Giving you Headaches? If so, Automated Time Clocks are the Answer!

Running a smooth payroll operation is paramount for running a competitive and profitable business. However, if you are doing things manually, chances are your payroll operation is causing you more grief than want or can possible could handle. Doing things manually in payroll, just like in any other process, slows down the whole procedure and makes the entire system vulnerable to human error. If your small or medium-sized business is facing such problems, uAttend’s automated employee time clock systems are an ideal solution for you. automated web time clocks are the best employee time clock systems

Cost of Human Error in Payroll

The American Payroll Association estimates that the cost of human error in payroll can be anywhere between 1% and 8% of your total payroll costs. Even if we take a conservative figure, say a 3% possibility of human error, an average sized small business can end up losing thousands of dollars each year. And if that particular business is using a manual time clock system, the cost of accurately tracking and recording payroll hours is another area where they are potentially losing money.

How Does Automation Work?

Automated web time clocks from uAttend take care of every stage of employee time tracking, including data processing. Manual workforce management is labor-intensive and time consuming. First, to prep for payroll, you must transfer all employee time and attendance data and hours worked from the physical time cards or time sheets into a payroll program. Second, you have to apply the going hourly rates for the various pay scales and levels of employees. Depending on the number of employees and the number of hours worked, this could mean you have to devote a lot of time and manpower. Yet, even then there is no guarantee that the end result is error-free once you have finished this highly laborious task, The only system that can provide a more accurate and streamlined payroll process is an automated employee time clock from uAttend.

This highly advanced workforce management system not only ensures the accurate recording of employee work hours, but it also provides invaluable help in processing the data into meaningful information when you process payroll. In addition, uAttend’s automated time clock systems can also be integrated with more than 50 payroll software programs, which makes your payroll problems go away in a matter of clicks.

Don’t want any more payroll headaches? Switch to uAttend automated web time clocks today!

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