Web Time Clocks

Time Attendance Clock Systems – The Perfect Defense Against Time Theft

As an entrepreneur, one must always be on guard for unethical workplace practices. In addition to the usual theft of stationary, supplies and other office property, there is another form of employee theft that can have an adverse effect on your small or medium-sized business. Time theft is one of the most common workplace malpractices seen today, and is easier than ever to get away with when businesses manually track time rather than use automated time clocks. Employee Time Clock

Why Is Manual Time Tracking Inefficient?

Manual workforce management comes with a number of problems and obstacles. First, there is no way to ensure the accuracy of your time and attendance data. This means that you may very well be paying for time where your employees did not perform any work. Time theft comes in many forms. Take buddy punching for example. This is where employees clock in for each other when someone is running late or has left early. Buddy punching can be hard to detect if you are managing payroll with a traditional Bundy time attendance clock. Unfortunately, there is no absolute way for you to prove the identity of employees with such systems without paying for a supervisor to watch and monitor the time station.

Furthermore, there is the problem of unauthorized overtime. Employees often intentionally punch out late after the end of their shifts so they get paid more (time and half of their hourly rate) in overtime. Manual employee time clock systems are simply unable to stop this form of time theft.

Of course then there is always the issue of tardiness. If you are using pen and paper time sheets, employees have free hand to mark attendance as they please. They can come in late and leave early, but still claim they worked the whole shift by just entering falsified hours on their time sheet. In the absence of automated time clocks, there is not much entrepreneurs can do to stop this other than once again manually monitoring and supervising each employee.

The Solution

A uAttend time attendance clock with biometric fingerprint recognition provides the best solution for your workforce management problems. With this solution, not only are your time and attendance needs automated, but you can also ensure that you are only paying for the exact hours worked and nothing more.

Implement one of uAttend’s robust employee time clock systems today and immediately start enjoying the many benefits they offer!

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